May 30, 2022Liked by Chloe Margherita

Dig the PJ Harvey picture.

My muses: Erato & Sappho ('the Tenth Muse') conjunct each other (+0º22") and my 12th House Venus (+1º28"), which is also the ruler of my Asc

Polyhymnia is conjunct my 11th House Jupiter (+1º28") (Bonus: Mnemosyne is conjunct Polyhymnia (+0º01"))

Kalliope is too far from my Jupiter to count (+4º47")

Thalia is not close enough to my 7th House moon (+5º07") but it's at the edge of too far away from the exact opposition to my 1st House sun (+2º51")

And right next to my Klio which is exact (+0º02") opposite my sun

Euterpe is +1º17" distant from my third house Mars.

Melete (archaic muse) is opposite (+1º30") my Mars in Cancer

Melpomene in Aquarius 4th house isn't connected to anything - except it's closely conjunct (+0º16") my sun/moon midpoint

Urania isn't connected to anything in my Pisces 5th house

So, of course, the things that have been closet to my productive output have been astronomy/astrology (Urania), cooking (Thalia), history (Clio) and I have always tended to be interested in old school epic poetry (Kalliope). Never been one for organized religion (Polyhymnia), theatre (Euterpe), or dance (Terpsichore). 'Thought and memory' (Melete is also a big one). No comment on Sappho/Erato.

Bonus Graces comment: Euphrosyne (joy & mirth) is square (+0º29") my moon from my 10th house, Aglaja is conjunct (+1º35") my Venus, Peithos is in my First House, but only opposite (+2º24") my moon - and exact trine Urania (???), Gratia (Latin for grace) is conjunct (+1º28") my sun , and Charis is also in my first, but +5º47" away from sun (and +5º11" away from my Neptune).

Maybe I'm overloaded.



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